Red Light Therapy

Lay down and relax while your body soaks in the benefits of red light


What to Expect

You will enter your own private room.  It is recommended for you to go into the red light bed without any clothes to receive the maximum benefit.  You will then lay down in the booth that looks similar to a tanning bed.  Then you relax in the bed for 5-10 minutes.

How does Red Light Therapy work?

Our red light bed offers both red light and near-infrared light.  Red light  is 600-700nm and offers a variety of skin and hair benefits.  The near-infrared light is between 700-1100nm and penetrates deeper into your tissue assisting with wound healing, nerve injury, joint pain, and muscle recovery.

Red light therapy is thought to work by acting on the "power plant"  in your body's cells called mitochondria.  With more energy, other cells can do their work more efficiently, such as repairing skin, boosting new cell growth and enhancing skin rejuvenation.  More specifically, certain cells absorb light wavelengths and are stimulated to work.

Red light therapy may work in skin health to:


How long should I stay in the red light bed?

The treatment time is 10 minutes.  If you would like to go longer, you would need to book two sessions.

What are the weight and height restrictions?

The max weight for our red light bed is 300 lbs.  6'3 and under will fit most comfortable in the bed, but if you ware over 6'3 you can still use the bed, but you will need to keep your knees bent.

How often can I use the Red Light bed?

It is safe to use red light everyday for 20 minutes.

What should I wear?

You will be in your own private room.  It is recommended that you wear no clothing, or as little clothing as you are comfortable in, because the clothing blocks red and near-infrared light from reaching your skin.

Can I wear sunscreen or makeup?

Do not wear any Sunscreen to your treatment.  Sunscreen is designed to block out UV light, however it is also a barrier to some red and NIR light, which prevents it from penetrating as deeply.  You can wear makeup, however make sure it does not have any sunscreen in it.

Do I need to do anything before or after my session?

Some research has shown that red light works better on cells that are hydrated.  So before your session drink some extra water.

Can minors do red light therapy?

Yes minors can use red light with parental consent and supervision.  If the minor is under 16, the parent will need to be in the room with them during the first session.

Parents should always consult with the child's pediatrician about the best course of treatment.  

Who should not do red light therapy?

Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, or undergoing any medical treatments.  Check your medication side effects that increase photosensitivity, that can lead to temporary tightness and redness of skin after your session.

How often should I do red light therapy?

It is recommended for you to do it as frequently as you are able.   Frequent, consistent use is an important step for results.

CLICK HERE to read Articles and Research on halotherapy.

NASA originally began experimenting with red light therapy on plant growth in space and then to help heal wounds in astronauts.